


Frequently Asked Questions


Can I just show up to the testing site and see if there is availability?

  • All testing is by appointment only. Same day appointments may be available, but please sign-up first using the information on this website. Having an appointment first ensure enough staff and testing supplies are available. It also helps to reduce the number of errors in the registration process that could lead to delayed test results. Doing so also reduces the amount of contact as much as possible.

Can I have other people in my car when I arrive for testing?

  • It is not recommended to have other people inside the car who are not testing, unless absolutely necessary. If it is necessary to have others inside the vehicle during testing, please make sure everyone is wearing a face covering. Testing will not be performed unless everyone is wearing a face covering.
  • Only those with confirmed appointments will be tested.

I signed up for a drive-thru site. Do I have to get out of my car?

– No, all testing will be performed with everyone in the vehicle.

What is antibody testing? Is it the same as testing to diagnose COVID-19?

  • Antibody testing determines whether you had COVID-19 in the past and now have antibodies against the virus. A test to diagnose COVID-19 determines if you currently have the disease.

What does the test consist of? How long does it take?

  • We use a PCR test to detect the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • The samples are collected from the back of the nose by a trained healthcare professional. This helps to make sure the sample is high quality. There is nothing additional you need to do to prepare.
  • In all cases, staff are trained on the collection method used at their site and will help guide you on the process. The testing process takes around 10 minutes.

Am I required to show ID?

  • Everyone 18 years of age and over should bring some type of personal identification to your test. This helps ensure that your test results are matched to the right person. Your identity and your test results are protected by federal law and will not be shared with any other agencies for purposes of law enforcement or immigration.

How long does it take to get test results?

  • It typically takes between 3-5 days to receive your test results. Notification is done by email, text and by phone call, depending on the site. It very important that you provide accurate and complete information when registering because this is what is used to contact you for your results.
  • While waiting for results, it is essential that the sick person remains at home in isolation. They should arrange for others to provide groceries, medicines, etc. whenever possible to avoid exposing others. Even if the test is negative, the sick person should remain at home until any fever has resolved and any other symptoms are significantly improved.  For more information and resources, please visit
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